Investment advisory Individual advice for high-net-worth clients

Our investment advisory service is the ideal choice for investors who prefer to make their own decisions. We give you access to the wide-ranging experience and the expertise of our investment specialists and advisors, which you can use as a basis for your investment decisions.

Investment Advisory

How we identify investment opportunities for your portfolio

Want to make quick, well-informed investment decisions? Our investment advisory services enable you to do precisely that with the support of experienced relationship managers and investment specialists. We provide you with proactive investment ideas and proposals to help you make your decisions quickly and efficiently. We also offer you regular and transparent updates on all portfolio, performance and sustainability aspects of your investments.

Three advisory models The right investment advice for your needs

We tailor our investment advice to you and your needs. You have three different models to choose from, depending on how active you want to be in managing your assets and what kind of advice you are looking for. As your sparring partner, we provide you with personalized advice, develop your investment strategy with you, monitor your portfolio and recommend the most promising investments.

Investment advisory with relationship managers

Model 1: LGT Advisory Classic

This model is a good choice if you want to construct your portfolio around funds rather than individual securities and therefore tend to do fewer transactions. Your personal relationship manager will guide you through the process, keeping a close eye on your portfolio, drawing on the research of our investment experts and making suitable buy or sell recommendations.

Investment advisory with investment experts

Model 2: LGT Advisory Expert

This is the right model for you if you actively manage your assets with an individual structure and with individual securities, and would like to discuss your investment decisions with one of our investment experts. This includes ESG advice, forex strategies, structured products and private equity investments.

Investment advisory for professionals

Model 3: LGT Active Advisory

This model is designed for clients who prefer to make their own investment decisions, have portfolios with complex structures requiring active management and want to take advantage of short-term investment opportunities across the entire investment spectrum by engaging in regular trading. You can enlist the expertise of our research specialists and discuss your personal trading ideas with us.

Sustainable investment advisory

Investors have different sustainability preferences, which is why LGT has developed four sustainability profiles. Each adheres to a selection of ESG criteria that take these varying sustainability requirements into account: 

  • Traditional: Sustainability has a subordinate role for you. Your investment decisions are mainly driven by financial criteria.  
  • Basic: In addition to financial criteria, you also include a sustainability standard in your investment decisions. Investments with a low sustainability quality are excluded from your portfolio. 
  • Enhanced: You consider high sustainability standards when selecting instruments. Your portfolio investments support sustainable development. 
  • Enhanced Plus: Your sustainability standards for your investments are very high. Your portfolio has a strong bias towards investments that make a positive contribution to society and the environment. 

Our experts use the following instruments to make your assets more sustainable: 

  • 除外事項: 当社は、当社の持続可能性の目標とは相容れないという理由から、一般炭や非人道的兵器に関する活動を行う企業への投資を完全に避けています。 当社はお客様の持続可能性プロファイルに基づき、製品および規範に基づいた企業に対する追加的除外事項を適用し、特定の国々を除外します。
  • ESG 統合: 当社の持続可能性ポートフォリオアドバイザリーは、1 つ星商品は避け、主に2つ星以上の格付け資産を選好します。 強化プロファイル、および強化 Plus プロファイルは、持続可能な事業運営と持続可能な製品およびサービスに基づき、主に4つ星および5つ星の格付け商品で構成される投資を優先します。 
  • テーマに基づく焦点: 当社は、持続可能性のテーマに従い、特定の SDG にポジティブに貢献する持続可能性投資のテーマ別セレクションをご用意しております。 テーマ別投資により、お客さまは持続可能性に関する個人的な信念をポートフォリオに統合し、的を絞った方法で持続可能な開発に影響を与えることができます。

Want to know which of our investment advisory models is the best fit for you? We would be happy to advise you.

Portfolio management or investment advisory?

How much time are you willing or able to spend on your portfolio? How hands-on do you want to be with your assets? How you answer these questions will determine whether our portfolio management or investment advisory services could be the right choice for you. While these two approaches have certain aspects in common, they also have some important differences: 

Portfolio management

  • You can define your investment strategy with your relationship manager
  • We invest your assets based on the agreed investment strategy
  • We monitor your portfolio on an ongoing basis and keep you up to date on developments
  • Your involvement with your portfolio and investments is minimal

Investment advisory

  • You can define your investment strategy with your relationship manager
  • We make investment proposals that match your strategy – you decide which ones are implemented
  • We monitor your portfolio regularly and keep you up to date on developments
  • You take an active interest in your portfolio and investments

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