16 entries
Hands are raised against a bright, white sky, each holding a piece of a wooden jigsaw puzzle
On a recent sunny day in Leeds, Julie Hutchison, Technical Director for Philanthropy and Charities, hosted a panel discussion on business and philanthropy, organised by Connect Yorkshire.
hand adds to ascending stacks of coins
When it comes to the history of certain taxes, my memory stretches back to the 1990s when I first studied tax law at university. In the UK, the top rate of capital gains tax was consistent for many years at 40%, even with changes of government over that decade.
10 Downing Street, UK
For individuals considering donations to charity, there were no notable mainstream tax changes in the UK Autumn Budget 2024. There are some limited technical changes from 6 April 2026 in specific scenarios to prevent donors from obtaining a significant financial benefit from donations. Find out more about the recent announcement.
customer paying with card in christmas shop
With the festive season upon us, and Giving Tuesday taking place on 3rd December, it’s a time of year when generosity of spirit is highlighted. It’s an important date in the charity fundraising calendar and illustrates both how fundraising has evolved and how technical innovation is enabling charitable giving in the digital age.
row of people sitting
Each November, Trustees’ Week highlights the important role of charity trustees, offering a great opportunity to access information and free events for those looking to find out more.
Rugby ball on lush green field
For most people, the concept of retirement is something which only becomes real later in life. But professional athletes can find that retirement as a 20- or 30-something beckons, and may be accelerated by a career-ending injury. What follows can often require a period of reinvention as a new career path is forged.
A shot of the Glenbatrick cottages of Isle of Jura, Scotland
Thirty years ago, on 23rd of August 1994, one million pounds was deliberately burned and destroyed in an old disused boathouse on the Scottish Isle of Jura. The answer to who would do this is the K Foundation, founded by The KLF band members: Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty. Why hold a bonfire?
Colourful wall of Edinburgh Fringe posters
It takes a huge base of support to make the Edinburgh Festivals happen and as public finances continue to be squeezed, Julie Hutchison, Technical Director for Philanthropy and Charities, discusses how philanthropy will play an ever-more important role in our latest insights.
side profile of woman looking outside window
As women entrepreneurs grow in number, they are also becoming prominent as philanthropists. Julie Hutchison, Technical Director for Philanthropy and Charities discusses Super-Givers and Funding Circles in our latest insights.
hands stacked on top of each other in a circle
Looking at the meaning of philanthropy, its roots lie in the Greek for ‘love of humanity’. That might go some way to explaining the ‘why’ which motivates some individuals to give, although the drivers are usually very personal and can vary.
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