Portfolio management Your portfolio is as individual as you

Our approach is simple: informed, objective advice based on your aspirations and your risk appetite. We create a bespoke portfolio to meet your needs. You choose how involved you want to be with the daily management of your assets.

Balanced portfolio management

A fully personalised service that suits you Defined by you

We never lose sight of the fact that it is your money we manage. Your team will get to know you and build a portfolio based on your goals and aspirations.

Discretionary portfolio

  • Our investment process defines the structure of our portfolios, but the day-to-day management is given to your dedicated investment manager.
  • This is the choice for clients who wish to delegate all investment decisions to someone else.

Advisory portfolio

  • Your investment manager will have an understanding of your objectives and sensitivity to risk, and will match investment ideas accordingly.
  • No transaction will be executed without your prior agreement.
  • For clients who prefer to be more involved with both the investment strategy and the daily decisions.

Execution-only portfolio

  • This enables you to retain full control over your investments by making use of our dealing and custody service.

Working with you

The flexibility of our portfolio management service allows us to tailor our offering to suit a range of client types and the unique requirements that they have, be they private clients, institutional clients, financial intermediaries or international clients.

Piecing together the portfolio management puzzle for private clients
Private clients

Tell us your goals and risk appetite, we will do the rest

We draw together our in-depth experience across multiple disciplines to build a portfolio that meets your specific requirements. Your attitude to risk underpins every decision we make as we work to meet your goals. 

Portfolio management for entrepreneurs, like ourselves

The help you need to turn your dreams into reality

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand the challenges and risks of setting up on your own. We offer advice and support throughout the lifecycle of your business, from initial structuring to planning an exit strategy.

Portfolio management in cooperation with institutions

Tailored portfolio management to suit your company’s needs

Whatever your size or sector, we take time to understand your business. We provide bespoke solutions to meet your business requirements and regulatory needs, while your dedicated investment manager is there to offer support and guidance.

Risk management

Risk means different things to different peopleThat’s why, as part of our portfolio management service, we take time to understand what it means to you. 
Your attitude to risk underlines every decision we make. 

How do we manage risk?

  • By listening to you: Understanding your goals, situation and timeline helps us determine how best to manage your portfolio in a way that feels comfortable to you.
  • By keeping in touch with you: Your attitude to risk may alter over time. We keep in regular contact to make sure your portfolio is structured to meet your changing needs.
  • By using the right tools: We use a number of risk monitoring tools with the aim of ensuring your portfolio is managed according to your expectations.

Fees and charges

Management fees

  • Annual fee of 1.00% for the first £500,000
  • Annual fee of 0.75% above £500,000

Custody and execution fees

  • Annual fee of 0.25% of the entire portfolio value

Additional service charges

  • Annual 0.25% for wealth planning services

Transactional charges for FX Margins*

  • 30 bps for any trade up to £250,000 in value
  • 8 bps for any trade above £250,000 in value

*LGT Wealth Management's FX Margin is applied to the market spot FX rate in order to manage our foreign   currency exposure risk. The market quoted rate is updated every 30 minutes

Investment philosophy

  • Clients’ interests first
    Portfolios that fit the client, not the other way around. 
  • Long-term focus
    Establishing long-lasting partnerships with clients is our top priority. 
  • Our expertise
    Your financial future is in safe hands with our highly experienced team of experts. 
  • Investment beliefs
    Our rigorous investment process means if we don’t believe in it, we don’t invest in it. 

Investment philosophy and process infographic for financial advisers